
Row cover (1)

Row cover is one of the most popular techniques used by commercial growers to extend the growing season. Row covers are generally made of flexible transparent to semitransparent materials. By increasing both air and soil temperatures, they enhance the growth and production of crops.

Advantages of row cover:

Early yield:The greenhouse effect of row covers will not only warm air surroun-ding the plants but will also result in warmer soil temperatures,enhancing seed germination, root growth and maturity. Early production generally result in higher prices at local markets.

Increased yield:Many cucurbits(squash,cucumbers,melons) respond well under row covers with increased yields of as much as 25 percent. Earlier production of cool season crops like spinach and leaf lettuce will also increase total yields. Other crops that have responded well to row covers include tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cauliflower, strawberries, sweet corn, cole corps and peas.

Frost protection:Generally the heavier materials give greater frost protection but tend to exclude more light. Row covers can also be used with some crops in the fall for late frost protection.

Wind protection:Row covers supproted with hoops will protect crops from wind and blowing sand. This will result in less plant stress and reduce desiccation of delicate early growth. Row covers will also protect crops from hail and pounding rain. Unsupported floating row covers can, however rub on plants, damaging leaves, stems or flowers.

Pest protection:Lightweight floating row covers are often used to cover some crops in spring to protect them from insects. Edges of row covers must be covered with soil to ensure exclusion of insects. This will result in less use of insecticides and less frequency insect-borne diseases. Floating and supported row covers can also be used to protect plants from birds.

Water Conservation:Less irrigation may be required under row covers since water collects as condensation on the inside of the cover and returns to the soil. Less crusting occurs since wind movement and water evaporation is reduced. Overall water use, however, may increase since crop growth is greater, earlier and over a longer period of time.

Above words are cited from George W. Dickerson's essay in October 2004

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